“Unknown City” video premiere / Unknown Cities review on 25YL

“In their latest release, Unknown Cities, the jazz-punk trio continues to flex their high-energy battle music muscles and virtuosic technique, while also continuing to show that they are equally adept at mixing things up.

“Unknown City” seems to recall 1960s minimalist music—I especially hear shades of Terry Riley’s “In C” in the pulsing notes that begin the piece. The association to minimalism is strengthened by the Moog-like synth bassline that runs throughout most of the song. Climaxes are achieved less through harmony and melodic peaks but through adding additional layers.”

Nick Luciano, 25YL

We’re thrilled to share our latest video, “Unknown City,” a song from our November 2021 release Unknown Cities (Procrastination Records). And we are super grateful to Nick Luciano for the wonderful review and for premiering the video on 25 Years Later. You can read the full review here.

The song, “Unknown City,” started as a piece I wrote for the improvisation class I took last year, with John on guitar. We decided to remix it into a JoF piece, and Dan Gutstein wrote stunning lyrics for it. The video was made from what was originally going to be test footage (my first time using a gimbal, lol) but we ended up having to use it due to various misadventures… John had the idea to “animate” it to sew together the look of things, and I learned how to use EbSynth to create the rotoscoped looking parts.

Thank you for watching and stay tuned for more videos soon! We’ve got an exciting 2022 planned!