“God and Godlessness” single and video out today, full album out Friday 6/10

John: When we were mixing “Thunderdome,” we were listening to the guitar and drums only, to get a sense of balance. Dan said, “That alone sounds good!” and that’s when the idea for “God and Godlessness” was born. When Mat at Mobtown Studios heard it, he said he felt it sounded like the band Television. Dan’s comment while mixing made me realize that a song with more spaciousness would be good for the record, that it would be an interesting departure. As well as Dan’s lyrics topping off the climax of the song, Anna found the solution for the bass part after the “last day” of mixing, ha ha. So we had to go in and mix again, as in the previous version, the bass had been left out of the final section of the song.

J: The evil sounding thing that runs through several sections of the piece and closes the tune is a crotale sample from FreeSound.org, stretched and pitched a half step apart, hence the witchy sound and the Witchcraft Mix subtitle.

John, Funz, and “video projection”

J: Anna and I produced the video, with Anna as the cinematographer. The idea for the projections came from a video she had done previously for a live Zoom performance. Having our cat Funz in the video was important to me, as she loves to sit on my amp (at her convenience of course), and I just thought it would be funny to have her in the video, essentially doing nothing but chilling. But, just before we started to film in earnest, we dropped her bag of treats on the carpet, she ate like 20 of them, and then we could no longer convince her to stay on the amp via treats. Anna and I were cracking up, blaming each other in jest. Some of the ridiculous things we had to do—it took six times longer to film then it should of—to get her to stay on top of the amp…well, Anna, impromptu animal trainer as well as cinematographer will say more….

Anna: We ended up having to piece together multiple takes into one shot, including cutting me out of the shot while I entertained her with a feather toy. I also had to shoot the saxophone sections without Funz, because, sadly, she hates the saxophone. But it was super fun getting all the footage, and figuring out how to edit it together. Funz also made a brief appearance at the end of our “Thunderdome” video, filmed and directed by Damien Davis. Damien also did the video for “Anger and Decency,” which is a reworking / radical remix of “Thunderdome,” that I wrote. The video is also a remix in that he uses some of the footage he shot from Thunderdome, but completely transformed it. The use of the wave footage, and how he overlaid the band footage with all of these wild effects is just magical, he really brought the music to life visually.

The full album, States of America, will be out this Friday, June 10th, on Procrastination Records. It is available for pre-order on our Bandcamp, here.